
No Feeling Good Institute affiliated therapists were found based on your search. Please try another search, consider intensive treatment at either our Mountain View, CA or New York city locations or see the Community Certified Therapists listed below

Community Certified Therapists Near your State

Certified Therapists that are not Feeling Good Institute Affiliated are certified in TEAM-CBT with an unknown degree of continuous rigor in it’s practice

Level 2
Individual Therapy (Age ....

At Mor-A-You I offer TEAM CBT counseling (in person, online, or in home), personal training (in gym, online, or in your home), and growth ...Read more

Christopher Sudol BS
Level 2
Individual Therapy (Age ....

I am a life coach using the TEAM CBT framework. I work with mood, habits and relationship issues as well as people who feel stuck in thei ...Read more

Michael Steiner MA
Level 1

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